Get Help
Ortho2 is committed to providing the highest level of technical support in the most effective methods possible. Many questions can be answered with our extensive online help resources.
Select Help from the ViewPoint shortcut menu to open a list of helpful features and applications. (Or, press Alt+H on your keyboard to open the Help menu options.)
Online Help - Press the F1 key on your keyboard, or select the Help icon from the bottom of theViewPoint main menu, the
Edge Cloud Info - Click the Edge Cloud button from either the ViewPoint main menu > Daily Activities window or the ViewPoint shortcut menu Help options to open a web browser with information about Ortho2 Edge Cloud.
Ortho2 ViewPoint Insider - Use this option to opt in / out of receiving advance access to early releases of ViewPoint updates and enhancements.
Web Resources - Use the Web Resources links from the shortcut menu Help options to open the Ortho2 web site, connect remote support (at the direction of anOrtho2 representative), submit a bug or enhancement via UserVoice, discover your computer IP address, and complete a customer survey. Several of these options are also available from the Online Help menu, described below.
AutoUpdate - Use the AutoUpdate links from the shortcut menu Help options to update your ViewPoint system to the most current version. See "ViewPointUpdate Service" for details.
Change Log - Use the Change Log link from the Shortcut Menu > Help options to open the Release Notes document, which describes the most recent updates available for your system.
About - Use the About link from the
Open Online Help Menu - Press the F1 key on your keyboard, or select the Help icon from the bottom of theViewPoint main menu, the
Search Online Help - Type keywords in the search bar at the top of the Help menu to open the online help system to a list of results matching your search. The search works best when you provide one or more full keywords (i.e. "refund", "appointment card", "sign treatment charts").
Online Resources - Use the Online Resources links to access this online help system, video how-to's, best practice documentation, and more.
Online Help - Use the Online Help link from the
Search for Articles - Type keywords in the search bar at the top of the Help menu to open the online help system to a list of results matching your search. The search works best when you provide one or more full keywords (i.e. "refund", "appointment card", "sign treatment charts"). After you select an article to view, you can click the Remove Highlight button to remove the highlighting of the text you searched on.
Expand / Collapse Details - The articles are designed to get you the help you need quickly by always showing you basic lists of instructions, and collapsing the details so you can quickly scan an article to find the information you are looking for. You can expand the details of individual sections by clicking the drop down button ( ), or use the
Expand / Collapse All button at the top of the article to open or close all collapsed text and pictures within the help article you are viewing.
Table of Contents - The table of contents lists help articles grouped by module, feature, or function. You expand and collapse the help system table of contents in different ways, depending on the type of device you are using. If you are using a standard monitor display, use the links at the top of the window to show / hide the table. If you are using a tablet or other mobile device with a smaller screen, tap the menu button in the heading to open the table of contents list.
Follow Links - Your
Print - Use the Printer icon at the top of the help window to open the print dialog, where you can print the currently displayed article, or save it as a PDF document for quick reference in the future.
White Papers - Use the White Papers link from the
Video Help - Use the Videos link from the
(Windows Media Player, an active Internet connection, and a valid Ortho2 customer login are required to run video tutorials, webinars, and training programs.)
ViewPoint Videos - Click the Video button, available from several locations in your ViewPoint system, to find topic-specific video assistance. See "ViewPoint Videos" for details.
Use the Contact Us links from the ViewPoint Help menu to contact a support specialist via telephone, email, or chat technology.
Chat Support - Use a Chat link from the
Phone Help - Call our Ortho2 support representatives at 800.346.4504 from 7 AM - 7 PM Central Time, Monday - Friday for live assistance. Or, use the phone Support: 800.346.4504; Sales: 800.678.4644; New Customer Care: 800.809.0277 link from the
Email Help - Use the email Support:; Sales:; Feedback: link from the
Use the Additional Resources links from the ViewPoint Help menu to access further Ortho2 system support. Many of these resources can also be accessed from the Shortcut Menu > Help > Web Resources menu.
Health History URL's - Use the Health History URL's link from the
UserVoice - Submit Bug / Enhancement - Use the UserVoice feedback forum to connect with Ortho2, offer enhancement suggestions, vote on your favorite ideas, report bugs, and monitor the progress of upcoming products and features. You can also access this resource from the ViewPoint shortcut menu > Help > Web Resources menu. See "UserVoice Feedback Forum" for details.
Connect Remotely - While working with an Ortho2 support representative, you may be asked to use the Connect Remotely link from the
What is My IP? - Use the What is My IP link from the
Shortcut Keys - Use the Shortcut Keys link from the
Release Notes - Use the Release Notes link from the
What's New - Use the What's New link from the ViewPoint Help menu to open a short list of the most system changes from the most recent release.
Ortho2 Website - Use the link from the
ViewPoint Videos - Click the Video button, available from several locations in your ViewPoint system, to find topic-specific video assistance. See "ViewPoint Videos" for details.
Edge Cloud Info - Click the Edge Cloud button from either the ViewPoint main menu > Daily Activities window or the ViewPoint shortcut menu Help options to open a web browser with information about Ortho2 Edge Cloud.